“When will you begin that long journey into yourself?” - Rumi

The journey into yourself is a grand adventure! It is upon the path of your journey that you discover, unveil and unleash your divine power. Connect with your precious internal resources and step into the light of your most authentic, inspired, radiant self. This is why you are here, after all. We crave this power, this light, this clarity. The truth is, it’s already within you. The journey into ourselves isn’t to become who we think we are supposed to be, it’s to find the trust and the strength to be who we are. You are here to fulfill your unique destiny. Follow your heart and embrace the Universe within yourself.

No experience is required for this journey. Simply, the openness and willingness to step into a new way of thinking, living and discovering the real you.

We look forward to being your companion and to guiding you along your spiritual path. Start your journey now!


Healing Session and Prayers on the day of Amavasya June 10, 2020

We are organizing a healing session and Prayers on June 10, 2021, on the day of Amavasya. at 8 p.m Indian Standard Time (India) or 9:30 AM Central Standard Time […]

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Heal the World Meditation and Mantra Sessions

Heal the World Institute of Spiritual Science Continuously doing meditation/mantra treatment every Sunday for the people who are suffering from the corona epidemic. To include your prayer, send your message […]

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Mantras and a Havan Rituals 2021

We are initiating healing sessions for everyone using mantras and a havan ritual. Everybody is invited! You will gain positive energy through this session and will be able to get […]

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March-11-2021 Shri Swarnakarshan Bhairav Sadhana

SHRI SWARNAKARSHAN BHAIRAV SADHANA March 11, 2021 जिन व्यक्तियोँ की कुण्डली में धन भाव का सम्बन्घ गुरु या सूर्य से है, श्री लक्ष्मी जी और कुबेर साधनाओ के बाद भी […]

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Had a great workshop. Everything explained in detail multiple times. Had good connection with energy and learned new meditations. I had a great experience. Learnt about aura scanning, about the body’s Chakra system. How to balance energy inside us. Plus learned about healing ours selves and others in person and remotely. I liked when I saw an aura. And also while scanning could feel different Chakra vibrating. It was interesting to learn how to access universal energy and connect it with our own prana through our physical bodies. Thanks!Puneet Singh
Welcome to the All India Institute of Spiritual Science and the future home of Anant Anand Ashram. John A.